I help women find freedom from anxiety and peace in their chaos.

Serving women through EMDR Therapy and Christian Counseling in Carlisle, Pennsylvania or via telehealth.

It can feel so complicated to be a woman.

We perceive expectations coming at us from everywhere. 

The roles we play in life can become our identities and we end up judging our worth by how successful we are in those roles.

We strive to be even-tempered, beautiful, caring, physically fit, fun, smart, disciplined, fashionable, self-sacrificing, witty, confident, and connected to others as we move through life as wives, moms, daughters, sisters, volunteers, workers.  

And yet we think everyone expects us to do all of it.

Other women manage to get it all done…What’s wrong with me that I fall short?

I believe we were never created to be multi-taskers.

I think we developed this skill as a coping strategy, but none of us are truly

very good at it.

How do we let go of those expectations?

How do we prioritize tasks that are all important?

How do we stop beating ourselves up when we are not perfect?

How do we learn to value ourselves for who we are and not what we do?

Here’s where I can help.

Some of this stuff can be caused by trauma. Not just the horrific trauma that probably comes to mind when you read that word, but the commonplace hurtful experiences in our past that shaped the way we think.  We develop beliefs about ourselves and the world around us that keep us reacting automatically.  I help you s l o w     d o w n and figure out what you need to get “unstuck”. Together, we figure out where those beliefs come from. Often they are connected to feelings of "not enough."

You've lost sight of who you are, deep down. I help you find her. I help you learn coping skills so you can trade your anxious striving for peace.  Peace in your relationships, peace in your schedule, peace in your head. Often finding peace also involves connecting to what you value. We work on how to identifying your values, identifying sources you turn to so you can feel valued, and for those who are believers, how much God values you. Clarifying the issue of value helps you sort out all of those things that vie for your time and energy. It also helps you find your unique voice and use it to create peace.

Value, voice, peace... this is the trifecta of what I see women chasing.

Let me help you catch it.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Contact me for a no-charge 15-minute consultation.  There are all kinds of therapists out there.

It’s important that you find one that is a good fit for you. 

This introductory phone call lets me start to understand your needs and explain how I can help.

Together we decide if I am the best fit for you.