Now booking speaking events!
I am a “let your mess be your message” kind of a girl.
My own story brings a raw relevance to your audience of Christian women or military spouses. My personal lessons learned, against the backdrop of my clinical practice, resonates with women and offers a disarming platform that helps them consider the ways they could prioritize their own mental health. I can tailor mental health topics to the unique needs of your group.
Christian Women's Groups
Whether you are looking for a retreat speaker or just a special event, I can bring a message of God’s goodness in my own story, while tying in some important connections to mental health.
Past speaking experience includes topics like
“Simplify Christmas”
“Renewing Our Minds”
“When God Makes Diamonds out of a Lump of Coal”
“When Christmas is Messy”
Military Spouse Groups
As a military spouse, I speak the language. I get the nuances of this lifestyle that can impact our mental health. I am willing to share my own story to help other military spouses learn to recognize when and how to get help for their mental health struggles.
My experience with military spouse groups includes topics like “Spouse Resiliency”
“How Trauma Hides in Military Culture”
“Addressing Barriers to Military Spouse Mental Health Care”
“Supporting the Military Leader in your Life”
Mental Health Topics
Mental health is my wheelhouse. Especially issues of trauma and anxiety. I love to explain the ways trauma - especially the kind of trauma we don’t think to call “trauma” can impact us, and share strategies to start working through it.
Please read through my blog for examples of topics I could speak about.
Past presentations include topics like
“Addressing Imposter Syndrome”
“Work Life Balance”
“The Body’s Response to Stress”