The Process of Therapy
Book a Phone Consultation
When you reach out through the contact form on this website, I'll call you or email you to set up a time to talk. If you call me directly, we may be playing phone tag before we are able to connect. I can't answer my phone in sessions, and when I am home I am often not in a place that is private enough to talk right when you call.
These intro calls are important to give us a chance to get an idea of whether we will work well together. If we decide to work together, I will send you a link to the client portal so you can complete the necessary paperwork. It is really important that you read the paperwork and take time to thoughtfully fill it out. If there is anything you are uncomfortable about answering or don’t understand, you can leave that part blank and we can talk about it in our first session.
Schedule Your First Appointment
Once I receive your paperwork, I'll schedule the appointment.
If it's an online appointment, you will receive a link to our session either by text or email, depending on which options you selected when you completed the paperwork.
If it is an in-person session, I'll send you the address of my physical office, and you will meet me there at your appointment time.
During Your First Session
In our first session I will be touching base on the paperwork you filled out and answering any questions you may have. I will have lots of questions for you, to get an idea of your history and your current circumstances. I will want to hear what you see as your goals for our work together.
This first session is a more in-depth continuation of the phone consult, and we will both still be deciding if we are a good fit. It is so important for you to feel like you can trust and connect with your therapist, and that your therapist has the expertise to work effectively with you. Only you can decide whether you trust and connect with me. I will be listening to make sure the issues you are working on fit into my scope of practice. I want you to have the best care possible and if that means you need to work with someone else, I will help you find that person.
From there, I will make a plan for how we will move forward and share that with you in the next session so we can revise and fine-tune it. I work very collaboratively, so I will expect you to take an active role in the direction we take.
It is hard to generalize what to expect next because the plan will be unique to you.
You can expect a lot of me listening and asking questions to help you clarify what impacts you the most.
A lot of people think that counselors are supposed to give advice, but it's more like reflecting back to you what I am hearing you say, noticing and connecting recurring themes and patterns, and collaborating to brainstorm solutions.
Only you can make the changes you need to make, but I can help you decide what those changes are and what you need to address in your life to be empowered to make them.
Counseling can feel a bit chaotic and messy in the process, because we are sifting through your life experiences, coping skills, and relationships to decide what works with who you want to be. Sometimes we need to let go of past stuff before we experience the peace that comes with healing and insight. We will probably stir up grief or fear in the process. I will make sure you have the coping skills necessary to do the work before we begin.
Always, you are in control of the pace and content of the work.
I'll monitor your progress and check in with you often. When we both are confident you are close to meeting your goals, we will stretch out the time between sessions and decide together when you are ready to stop meeting with me.
At all times it is my goal to make sure you feel safe, that you feel heard, and that you have choices in the work.
I will point out the strengths I see in you and celebrate the wins you experience along the way.
Schedule Your Free Consultation
Contact me for a no-charge 15-minute consultation. There are all kinds of therapists out there. It’s important that you find one that is a good fit for you. This introductory phone call lets me start to understand your needs and explain how I can help. Together we decide if I am the best fit for you.